We come across lots of personality tests and generally don’t pay them much attention but every so often one pops up that really grabs my attention and this is one of them.
It really makes you stop and reflect on yourself and after I took this test I was very surprised at just how accurate it was.
I am going to share the video below and it requires you to think fast so that your answers will give a more honest portrayal of who you are or even your state of mind at the moment, which is something you should be aware of at all times.
Not at all… If anything, it was the opposite 🙁
It was surprisingly accurate.
Rina Romero-Giuliana
The cube was correct. The ladder was fairly correct, but the horse, flowers and storm were wrong.
Madi Miller
Fairly accurate.
pictures the cube in my hand… the whole other imagery became pointless after this one… as I could not think quick enough to include the ladder horse and flowers in my hand beside the cube.
Everything was spot on except for the kids.
This test is from Japan and has been proven to work on those who take it. What! You’re saying it doesn’t work on those who don’t take it?
The drawing of the cube will influence people
Absolutely accurate! 🙂
Joana Jo
Louise Carrabine Shell Haverty Aoife Burke
O my god….spot on!!!
Not particularly accurate.
What a nonsense…
That’s so cool
Yah…..pretty accurate alright