Are you someone who’s frequently taunted for drinking coffee too often? Is it that if the coffee maker at work crashes and you don’t get your regular dose the day seems longer than usual? Is it that the staff behind the counter gives you a quizzical look because you’ve finished your coffee jar in a week?
I know how you’re fighting those looks. But don’t let it bother you anymore. I too completely rely on my Joe to give a
It’s just the bitter alkaloid, the caffeine in it that gives the drive that we require to get our work going.

Interestingly, once you start noticing it carefully, you’ll observe that everyone likes his or her Joe differently. It’s such a cultural thing that the moment you make a coffee for someone, you’ll be able to trace the person’s cultural lineage.
The love for coffee is so pervasive that the taste for it has travelled with man wherever he’s gone, thereby making it amongst the most extensively sold cash crops worldwide. In fact, in the Central and Southern parts of America, there are estates the size of cities. Naturally, few of the largest corporations are dependent on its farming.
The great news is that a recent research has found out that coffee can increase your lifespan. Hence, the more coffee you consume, the healthier it is., known for covering some great news mentioned a study The Feinberg School of Medicine, NorthwesternUniversity, National Institutes of Health, and The National Cancer Institute undertook, wherein they analyzed data on coffee consumption from the UK Biobank. It was a research conducted on half a million citizens (UK) ranging between 38and 74 years of age.

So while consuming coffee in moderate amounts is healthy, drinking large amounts of it can be more beneficial.
The research does not only imply that an increase in coffee consumption will directly lead to great health benefits, it also emphasizes on other external factors. For instance, affluent members of the society can choose a better quality and larger quantity of coffee and afford healthcare, and that is also why they have a longer lifespan.
The research discovered how coffee consumption could help reduce the possibility of having cancer.
The Inc. mentioned the percentage of reduced risks as:
Heart Disease: 5%
Cancer: 20%
Diabetes, Type 2: 20%
Parkinson’s disease: 30%
So now, the real question is how many cups of coffee can we consume in a day?
According to the study, the upper limit is 8 cups per day. And I think that’s quite a lot, isn’t it?
But, there’s a warning: pregnant ladies should not consume coffee. This is because, in processed and packaged coffee there are additives, which may not be particularly healthy.
Also, even though there are many benefits of it, excess consumption of coffee may kill your sleep and gradually make you an insomniac. So, prefer natural and fresh coffee. And try to have not more than 4 cups of coffee each day.