A young Chinese boy who was born with beaming blue eyes has stunned medics with his ability to see in pitch black darkness.
Nong Yousui from Dahua, China has eyes that reflect neon green when light is shined on them. Doctors have studied Nong’s amazing eyesight since his dad took him to hospital concerned over his bright blue eyes. “They told me he would grow out of it and that his eyes would stop glowing and turn black like most Chinese people but they never did”, his Dad said.
Nong enjoys playing outside with his schoolmates but experiences discomfort when in bright sunlight, however can see completely clearly in pure darkness. To test his abilities, a Chinese journalist prepared a set of questionnaires which he was able to finish while sitting in a pitch black room. The tests show Nong can read and write perfectly without any light and can see as clearly as most people do during the day. According to the World Record Academy (the leading international organization which certify world records), Nong has even set the world record for the first human who can see in the dark.
In animals, night vision is made possible by the existence of a thin layer of cells, called the tapetum lucidum. And like a Siamese cat, Nong’s sky-blue eyes flash neon green when illuminated by a flashlight. Nong’s night vision has sparked interest around the world by vision scientists, evolutionary biologists, and genetic engineers. And this is good news for science as we may eventually be able to use genetic technologies to deliberately create such a condition ourselves.
A new and growing generation of extraordinary and gifted children are springing up across our planet.
source: whydontyoutrythis
GMO babies
Simply made in China, hopefully not a defective gene. Who knows, they do a lot of weird stuffs.
Ivan Bartha…lets go to China and meet some of these children
Wonder if vaccines played a part here?.
not a new human race, a genetic anomaly.seeing with no light is impossible.our eyes need light to see anything. unless he sees in infra red.
more of a maladaption………. he can’t see efficiently in sunlight, yo.
Evolution maybe… Monkeys be talking soon as well.
very cool.
Jeremiah Weitzel
Not a new race, it’s ocular albinism. Just something strange in his genetics.
Andrew Mellott
Michael Handley
Let me guess before I read the article: Genetic Engineering?
May be some kind of Alien….there are so many secrets that we will not know till the day we die.
Well why would we assume evolution would stop with us? Fascinating.
Mutation of the genes happens often and daily, doesn’t matter where in the world.
I would be very interested in meeting this young man.
This is already existing in Korea. Nothing new
> 9 Sep 2016
Very likely it is his DIET
It is NOT A EVOLUTION of Human kind
Guadalupe Solis
Old news.Could be photos shopped.
Just wondering what that’s got to do with the THEORY of evolution
There a video that shows everything, but ok. Lol