The situations and people that hurt you, can change and remove you from your real self: a strong, courageous and free human being who deserves to be happy.
Self Improvement
Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.
Why Modern Dating Makes Me Want To Punch Myself In The Throat
As a 22-year-old single woman I’m pretty much living in the thickest part of the modern hookup culture – perfecting the art of getting the right guy to buy you a drink at a bar, crafting the perfect response to…
23 Ways To Take Your Life Back When You’re Broken.
There’s an old, outdated assumption that time heals all wounds. But I believe this to be untrue. In the words of Dr. Phil, “Time doesn’t change us. It’s what we do with that time that changes us.” We are all…
Go To School, Find Work, Fit into the System: The Sanity of ‘Madness’.
School of Life wants to help people develop their emotional intelligence through culture.
What Happens to Your Body If You Eat 12 Almonds Every Day?
Although many people know that almonds are good for our health, they often avoid them because of the high calories. This should not prevent you to include almonds in your daily diet.
Things That Will Make You Feel Better in the Morning.
Have you ever thought that starting your day healthy every morning, may improve your day and be able to deal better in your demanding schedule?
Why Smarter People Are Happier With Fewer Friends.
If you believe the class genius is a loner because he’s an arrogant know-it-all, or because he’s socially awkward, that’s not (necessarily) the case. Instead, it might be because he or she is honestly happier without the incessant inane prattling of mere mortals like you,…