Love is a tricky thing. It varies in intensity and in the specificity of emotions. It is sometimes the most beautiful thing in the world and, at other times, it’s the most horrid thing we’ve ever come face-to-face with.
Self Improvement
Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.
How To Tell If a Relationship Is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin Flame.
We all desire to not just fall in love—but to be part of that “once in a lifetime” type of love story.As we are evolving, so are our romantic relationships.
To Every Lost And Hurting Soul, I Promise You’ll Find Your Way.
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” – Oscar Wilde To all you lost and hurting souls out there in the universe, I know you are aching. I know that with each bone in your…
Emotional Maturity Is Something Few People Have. Here Are 5 of the Most Common Signs.
Emotional maturity is a difficult thing to measure. We can’t quantify it, or even describe exactly what it is. But we know it when we see it. Many would say a person’s emotional maturity lies in their reactions to adversity…
New Research Suggests There Is A “Good” Type Of Psychopath.
Not all psychopaths are the same. There are two types of psychopaths — primary and secondary — according to new research. Primary psychopaths can be cooperative, helpful and friendly. Secondary psychopaths, though, are usually destructive, unhelpful and perform badly at…
How to Defeat Your Insecurities and Tell Someone You Love Them.
“Our own ego judges us, so we become afraid of self-awareness. If it’s not puffing us up to look better than others, it’s tearing us down—anything to block us from feeling at one with reality and who we are.” ~Beth…
This is What the Ideal Woman’s Body Looks Like, According to Science
The ideal woman’s body. Does it exist? Scientifically, yes. If that’s not surprising, wait till you see what said perfect body actually looks like. It’s nothing like what the fashion industry might have you thinking, that’s for sure.
Alone Isn’t Lonely: 10 Signs You’re Perfectly Happy With Solitude.
There comes a point in our 20s when life warns us to stop thinking about ourselves and start contributing to society. We have to start working, paying taxes and maintaining relationships so we can populate the world. Though working and taxes…