Self Improvement

Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.

Stressed Out? You Need A Cup Of ‘Calm the Fuck Down’ Tea.

We all know that after a stressful day, there’s few things more relaxing than a nice hot cup of tea. For some reason it’s infinitely soothing feeling sitting back on the couch with a piping hot freshly made brew. If…

6 Major Media Conspiracies Happening Right In Front Of Your Eyes.

Woven into the ever-evolving narrative of the mainstream media are key plot lines, hidden in the sub-text of so-called current events, going for the most part unnoticed by the public. We could say this happens by chance but since we already know…

Harvard Goes To The Himalayas – Monks With ‘Superhuman’ Abilities Show Scientists What We Can All Do.

It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that humans have the capacity to gain extraordinary powers through various techniques. Some of these techniques, known as siddhisin the yoga tradition (from the Sanskrit, meaning “perfection”), include meditation, static dancing,…

Say Hello To Weed-Wine, Which Will Get You High And Drunk At The Same Time!

Most stoners don’t appreciate alcohol and vice versa. Alcohol lovers aren’t too fond of the Bum Bhole either. But this particular product might just bring the two communities together and make people who like both, rejoice!

Lao Tzu’s Four Rules For Living.

Many centuries ago, Lao Tzu, spoke of the four cardinal virtues, teaching that when we practice them as a way of life, we come to know the truth of the universe. The ancient Chinese master said that living and practicing…

Leonardo Da Vinci. The Story Behind Mona Lisa!

Leonardo da Vinci was born on 1452 outside the village of Anchiano. When he was 5 years old, he moved to Tuscan town and lived with his uncle and grandparents.  At the age of 14, he began an apprenticeship with the…

How To Open Your Chakras as Explained by a Popular Kid’s Cartoon!

If you are like me and have not tuned into children’s cartoons (or much TV for that matter) for years, then you might be surprised to see this!

New Data Shows Sexual Boundaries Are Changing – But What Do We Really Know?

The Office of National Statistics has released its latest data on sexual identities in the UK, and some striking patterns jump out – especially when it comes to bisexuality.