Self Improvement

Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.

Posture: A Gateway To Self Awareness.

Most people in the modern world tend to have poor posture. I’m sure that part of it is our general detachment from our bodies. We spending most of our days sitting in front of computers, TVs, on couches, in cars,…

These Two Friends Agreed To Get Married At 30, But What Ended Up Happening Will Break Your Heart.

A comment thread on the internet was talking about whether anybody actually went through with any of those “marriage pacts” that we joke about so often.

Psychology Says: You Might Be Better Off Single.

One psychologist claims that staying single gives people a chance to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life,” while also stating that the idea of a blissful marriage is entirely a myth.

Laughter Really Is Contagious.

Ever wonder why laughter is contagious, you know, how when one person laughs, a tidal wave of laughter sometimes ensues. Yeah, It’s not just a few people who wish to join in the laughter, this mirth actually has a strange…

What Is (ASD) Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder known as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) affecting many parts of a person’s life. People with ASD appear to have difficulties to socialize, communicate and interact with others. They may have limited interests and activities…

I Don’t Want A Lover, I Want A Best Friend

It’s easy enough to find a lover. There’s no shortage of willing participants the world over: men and women who desire nothing more than the moment, that first touch, the way two bodies collide like dying stars and create whole new…

12 Little (But Important) Signs That Prove You’ve Found Your Forever Person.

1. You both can be completely yourselves around each other. You’re never ashamed to be who you really are. No matter who the crowd is around the two of you-you’re both the same people, maybe just minus a little affection…

7 Subtle Indicators Of Psychosis.

I see things that other people do not see. Whether they are ghosts or smudges in my peripheral vision, I may never truly know for sure. I know what they tell me, the doctors, but who’s to say they know…