One of the most common questions I hear is, “What is my life purpose?” To be honest, the answer is right in front of your nose! Every day since you were born, you have been guided to find your life’s…
This Animated Video Illustrates The Israel-Palestine Conflict.
The story shared by Israel-Palestine conflict has been told in several stunning films, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it told like this.
Karma And Its Laws!
What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force…
10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception Of The World!
Reality is not as obvious and simple as we like to think. Some of the things that we accept as true at face value are notoriously wrong. Scientists and philosophers have made every effort to change our common perceptions of…
Tomorrow Never Arrives..Start Living Today!
Start Spending Time With The “Right” People – Spend time with people you enjoy -who bring you up instead of push you down. Sure there are always lessons we can learn from others but you don’t need to continue hanging around…
Summer Meditation Vacation must be your choice this summer!!
Adventure travel isn’t always about riding waves and ascending heights — sometimes it’s about heading inside, to explore the realm of our inner worlds. While it might be counter-intuitive to travel long distances to sit with a bunch of silent strangers,…
The Truth of Finding Happiness.
Finding happiness is an endless search – a different career, relationship, holidays, material possessions, lifestyle, etc. It left me feeling quite the opposite. The result was more unhappiness, more dissatisfaction and less fulfillment. So many people are currently embroiled in…
Scientific Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected. The Multiples Effect.
This may seem like a far out idea, but is it possible that our thoughts create fields of information that go into the Global Mind we share? Is it possible our thoughts might create “thought fields” that can interact with…