More studies continue to surface proving that a regular meditation practice will reduce stress, improve physical and mental health, and even help with the most debilitating mental disorders. Dan Harris explains the neuroscience behind meditation and makes some strong predictions…
Does The Soul Exist?
By Steven Bancarz, A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a “soul” because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma. Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of…
Waking Up The Goddess: Why Women Will Change The World!
For too many centuries and up to the present moment, women have been like footnotes in history books that no one bothered to read. Confined to a secondary role, they have been cast aside to serve the needs of society…
A Digest on Inner Peace and Yoga Meditation.
The world is loaded with lots of things that can take peace and stillness out of the mind of humanity. With oodles of bad news on the internet, billboard, radio and television one hardly find reason to be happy. For…
Why The Law of Attraction is Not Working for YOU ?
Let’s clear something out right at the beginning. It’s not that The Law of Attraction is not working, The Law of Attraction is not working for you. The law of attraction is working, always, it’s just your perception of it…
7 Differences Between Religion and Spirituality.
By Dejan Davchevski, A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence. Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their fear of being manipulated.
Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (Particularly in the Morning).
By Garrick Dee A glass of lemon water to start your day can help keep the doctor away. Why do I say that? According to Hippocrates “All disease begin in the gut”, and modern research has also concluded that an unhealthy gut environment…
Awaken Kundalini Energy – Heal the Body using the Mind
Gain Spiritual Energy by Arousing Your Kundalini Probably, you are among those that are searching for a way to arouse their kundalini so as to gain great ally to their spiritual power, you are in the right place as that…