Self Improvement

Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.

What Happens When You Dunk a Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid?

This isn’t really like the Super Size Me documentary, where they put some burgers in a container and let them get moldy and rotten, this is merely an illustration of what that tasty cheeseburger goes through in our stomach. Why?…

You Don’t Have to Listen to Everyone! BElieve In YOUrself.

The people you surround yourself with really matter in life, when you surround yourself with positive and result-oriented individuals, you will be motivated to achieve greatness also. If you surround yourself with people who always tear you down and remind…

10 Ways to Improve Your Studying Skills.

Whether you’re having trouble because your subject is difficult, time consuming or – let’s be honest – boring we have some tips here that can help you improve your studying skills.

16 Rare Photos Showing Racism and Nazism in Human History.

Racism and Nazism, this is an attempt to understand the absurdity of these two interrelated ideologies with a photographic tribute that I found very surprising.

Your Body Is Acidic. Here Is What You Need To Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer You Will Never Hear From Your Doctor)

The body maintains a delicate acid-alkaline balance. Everything from healthy cells to cancer cells to soil quality and ocean life is affected by pH.

See What Happens When You Eat Garlic On an Empty Stomach

Did you know that eating a whole head of garlic a day does miracles for your body? Garlic – a simple ingredient with amazing health benefits. It stimulates the immune system and normalizes your gut flora, but since its so…

7 Chakra Clearing Affirmations To Enhance Your Sex Life.

Mainstream media seems to constantly bombard us with tips for better sex, usually involving the physical body or the emotions. Perhaps they are still catching on to the notion that sex can also function as an energetic or spiritual experience.…

Can You Pronounce This Whole Poem? Apparently, 9 Out Of 10 People Can NOT!

If you are able to pronounce correctly every single word in this brilliant poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world! After trying these verses, a French man said he would…