Self Improvement

Things, tips and articles we think that could help you, in order to achieve better health and wellness for both your body and mind.

If A Man Does These 12 Things, His Love For You Will Never End

A man’s love for his woman can be determined by the things he does for her. They don’t have to be huge declarations of love. But they would be something that will make their woman feel happy and proud of…

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, You Hit the Marriage Jackpot

A perfect marriage is a blend of countless things. Does your husband put an effort in the relationship? Find out. 1. He Professes His Love For You Saying “I Love You” may not be a huge deal but it shows…

12 Strange Things Our Ancestors Did

Do you often feel weird about life today? The fashion, the selfie culture, everything seems too much. You are probably wondering if you can go back in time and live in the days of your ancestors. Well, earlier days always…

10 Important Things All Children Should Learn by Age 10

One of the hardest jobs on this planet is being a parent. You are always worried about whether your child is growing up to a better person or not. How are you affecting them? However, you are their first mentor…

Things That Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Eating 2 Eggs a Day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But eggs? They can keep more than just the doctors away. Just think about it, one egg contains all the nutrients and building blocks required to grow an entire baby chicken. Eggs…

If He Doesn’t Have These Qualities, He’s Not Your Soul Mate.

It’s easy to list what you find unappealing in a potential mate, but identifying the qualities that make someone desirable for the long haul is a slightly tougher task. What exactly qualifies a person to fulfill the role as your…

Photos That Prove Why Women Prefer Bearded Guys

It’s astonishing what a beard can do for a man. Even a guy with the most childish face can suddenly look mature and rugged if he grows a beard and cares for it properly. The fact that women like bearded…

Some Powerful Images That Capture the Strength and Beauty of the Human Spirit

There’s a tendency nowadays to think of this world as a cruel place, with human beings being the most wicked of the lot.