Average day, on an average person, through his head emerge for approximately 60 000 thoughts per day! But the stunning fact is that 95% of those thoughts are the same from the previous day which leaves us with only 5%…
Think For Yourself. Question Everything!
“A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion” ~Chinese Proverb
The Real Solution to Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory. It is an easily viewable global plan that can be found executed in your local county. If you live near a metro area, you just need to look up your local county’s ‘comprehensive…
Strange Fruit : Short Film About Racism
A father and his son peaceful day routine is interrupted by an encounter with a strange boy of a different colour.
Reiki Intro: What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes…
Kinhin, The Walking Meditation Practice.
Kinhin is walking meditation practice. We practice Present Moment Awareness when walking in kinhin.Searching inside Buddhism, we soon learn that kinhin is an extremely important practice. It is the thread that binds all of our practices together.
Become More Conscious: 100 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness.
In this post you will find the most complete list of tips, that will totally help you to raise your consiousness on a higher level as you learn to connect and appreciate nature, life and universe.