Many people don’t realize much of the sugar they take in are “hidden” in processed foods. A can of soda may contain up to 10 teaspoons or 40 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar.…
How to Grow Fresh Herbs Indoors & Organic Veggies Right In Your Kitchen.
What if you could have fresh organic veggies, herbs and flowers that are grown year round with no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers right in your kitchen? Thanks to Hyundai you can! This is a whole food lovers dream come true!…
You Want It? Work For It!
Achieving something that you truly want was never something easy to do. The way to success is long and difficult, that’s why not too many people are achieving their goals. If you truly want something for yourself you will have…
12 Ways to Rid the Planet of GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup.
Ronnie Cummins , Ecowatch It is now blatantly obvious that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are nothing more than patented Pesticide Delivery Systems (PDS) designed to increase sales of poisonous agrochemicals such as Roundup, glufosinate, Bt, 2,4 D and neonicotinoids.
Simple Sitting and Rising Test Predicts How Long You’ll Live.
Flexibility, balance and muscle strength are key indicators of longevity. Sit. Stand. Repeat. This little trick — a deceptively simple measure of flexibility and strength — can predict who will live longer and whose lives will be cut short, according…
The Top 6 Inflammatory Foods and How To Detox From Them.
There are a multitude of diets to choose from, or exercise programs that run the body ragged. The simple truth is that our bodies weren’t meant to eat Lean Cuisine meals or to be engaged in hours and hours of…
What Happens When You Dunk a Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid?
This isn’t really like the Super Size Me documentary, where they put some burgers in a container and let them get moldy and rotten, this is merely an illustration of what that tasty cheeseburger goes through in our stomach. Why?…
Your Body Is Acidic. Here Is What You Need To Do (The Real Truth Behind Cancer You Will Never Hear From Your Doctor)
The body maintains a delicate acid-alkaline balance. Everything from healthy cells to cancer cells to soil quality and ocean life is affected by pH.