There is no secret that green tea is wonderful for your health, but this particular strain originating in Japan is amazing for your health! Matcha tea is believed to be one of the highest quality powdered green teas in the…
7 Stretches for Complete Lower Back Pain Relief.
One of the consequences of being sedentary, and also being incredibly active, is back pain. About 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given moment. It’s a common affliction and one that takes care and diligence to eliminate.
Aspartame Changed its Name to AminoSweet.
Aspartame, the artificial sweetener linked to cancer, heart palpitations, seizures, weight gain and other severe medical issues, is now going by the name AminoSweet.
The 6 Amazing Foods That Will Remove Nicotine from Your Body.
Nicotine is one of the most potent substances in cigarettes from which addiction million people suffer. Below we give you some tips on how to rid your body of nicotine so as to completely stop smoking and the damage caused…
What Happens to your Body when you Consume Okra
Okra is one of the most therapeutic vegetables. After reading this article, we are certain that you will begin utilizing Okra as a part of your every day diet.
Drink Warm Lemon Water In The Morning For A Year (and These 20 Things Happen).
Quench thirst by adding lemon slices to your water. In this way you will also get enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Top 10 Anti-Aging SuperFoods – Secrets of Staying Young and Healthy.
Research has confirmed that there is an abundance of foods that consists of anti-aging properties. These anti-aging superfoods have proven to be beneficial if consumed on a regular basis. They not only add to our lifespan, they keep age-associated diseases…
Can You Guess Which Of These Egg Yolks Is Actually From A HEALTHY Chicken?
By Jesse Herman, Powerful Primates One of the more interesting aspects of living in Brazil is the different approaches to food. We are connected to local farms from friends and family, spoiling us with organic homegrown everything. Regarding chicken eggs, the…