
Are you an empath? Are you a narcissist? Are you introvert or extrovert? Everything you need to know about all the different personalities.

5 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do.

Narcissists. You know the type of person they are, and the toxic behaviour that accompanies their scaly personality. They are overtly egotistical, with a grandiose sense of self-importance. They have fantasies of endless success, expect special treatment, enjoy exploiting others,…

Read This If You’re The One Who Everyone Is Constantly Relying On.

When you’re the one that everybody runs to, you start to feel this overwhelming pressure to stand still. Life becomes a series of one way streets that you always seem to be staring down the wrong end of. Nobody will…

Why Narcissistic People Love To Ruin Birthdays And Holidays.

People with Cluster B personality disorders enjoy making other people feel worthless — especially on birthdays or holidays. Mean people love nothing more than stealing joy from an otherwise happy or sensitive-natured person. Don’t let the opinion of a manipulator…

Gaslighting: One of the Most Dangerous Forms of Mental Manipulation We All Deal With.

The universe can be a funny place sometimes. I’ve been doing a lot of research about a form of mental abuse that a lot of us are not only susceptible to but actually deal with every single day. It is…

New Research Suggests There Is A “Good” Type Of Psychopath.

Not all psychopaths are the same. There are two types of psychopaths — primary and secondary — according to new research. Primary psychopaths can be cooperative, helpful and friendly. Secondary psychopaths, though, are usually destructive, unhelpful and perform badly at…

The Secret Language of Narcissists: How Abusers Manipulate their Victims.

Society assumes that everyone has a conscience and the ability to empathize. In fact, 1 in 25 people in the United States is estimated to be sociopaths, according to Harvard psychologist Martha Stout. Narcissists (those who meet the criteria for…

15 Tips For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

By Lynn Zambrano Empathic ability allows you to read and understand people’s energy. This ability may be genetic, passing from generation to generation. You may share this ability with a relative, so look at your family tree; does anyone else…

Strong Women Would Rather Be ALONE Than Waste Time With Assholes

  Seriously Though. Dating is all a game, and not a fun one like beer pong. It’s more like playing Monopoly with a bunch of people who lie about having Boardwalk (when all they really have is Baltic Avenue). Nobody…