Porn. It’s the elephant in the room. In today’s state of overt sexuality, it is nearly impossible to avoid the barrage of erotic propaganda portrayed in all forms of media. Whether it’s the soft-core exposure of celebrities in film and…
Are you an empath? Are you a narcissist? Are you introvert or extrovert? Everything you need to know about all the different personalities.
The Biggest Cause Of Anxiety And Depression Is Traumatic Life Events.
It’s estimated that 1 in 10 U.S. adults struggle with depression [1] and another 40 million have anxiety. It’s quite common, too, for someone with depression to also have anxiety. In fact, close to half of those diagnosed with depression are…
Men With Selfie Addiction Show Higher Psychopathic Tendencies.
Selfie addiction can be directly linked to psychopathic behaviours and tendencies, a new study has found.
15 Things You’ll Notice When You’re In The Presence Of An Empath.
“As much as we notice, consciously or subconsciously, there are some things you’ll notice about us too.”
Why People are Obsessed With Sex
Sexual intercourse is one of the most beautiful experiences one can have. Through the communion of the sexual act, two persons can merge and disappear into one another and experience ecstatic moments of love — moments everyone is deep down thirsty…
Narcissist? Psychopath? This Inkblot Test Will Tell You If You Are One!
The two terms, narcissist and psychopath, get thrown around a lot. But do you really know one? Or better yet, Are you one?
A Strong Woman Doesn’t Intimidate A Real Man
The idea that strong women are intimidating and unattractive to men is one that has permeated across societies and cultures. Coupled with the other toxic notion that a woman’s greatest ambition in life is to find and marry a man,…
10 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You.
Toxic people such as malignant narcissists, psychopaths and those with antisocial traits engage in maladaptive behaviors in relationships that ultimately exploit, demean and hurt their intimate partners, family members, and friends.