
Are you an empath? Are you a narcissist? Are you introvert or extrovert? Everything you need to know about all the different personalities.

Highly Empathic People Have THESE 4 Super Powers.

A highly empathic people is a special person indeed. They can sense emotions and energies unlike no other. Sometimes they feel these emotions so strongly that they think they’re a curse to society. But they’re no curse. In fact, most…

Some Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know

Turning 40 in less than a month. Forty is a very important age for most people, as, growing up, we tend to think of forty as the age until which we will have settled.

6 Valuable Things You Should Know About The Empath.

The empath is a sweet and emotional creature. I bet you’ve felt sorry for them many times. Here’s something you might not have thought of before. You know how empaths have such an intimate connection with their feelings and emotions?…

This Is Why Narcissists Are Some of the Most Attractive People to Empaths

What I’m about to relate may seem confusing to some of you, but empaths adore narcissists. It would seem, after one destructive relationship with a narcissist, that the empath would learn better, but no. There is something that draws them…

The Wheel of Emotions Can Show You Who You Are.

A beautiful illustration is being used to understand the character of a person, based on the reactions towards different colors. The viewing of colors affects a psychic layer, and the different colors and emotions that they produce were visualized in…

5 Powerful Ways to Stop Loneliness When Being Alone Is Too Much

Loneliness is an old friend a to most of us. We often get lonely after the end of a long relationship or when we spend hours working on solo projects. Surprisingly some people can feel lonely in a crowd of…

This is Why You Can Die of a Broken Heart

I should be dead already. According to how many times my heart has been broken, I should no longer breathe. Remember when you found out that your heart didn’t really look as neat and defined as it does on all…

This Is What People With High Functioning Anxiety Do

You may look calm, but deep down you are not. Anxiety is like a monster growing up inside of you. You can feel it, but you are trying not to let it get out. You cannot stop it, so you…