Since Einstein’s death in 1955, scientists have been studying his brain. They have discovered some things that prove that his brain is actually different than the average brain.
Mahatma Gandhi Wisdom! Gandhi’s 10 Fundamentals: How To Change The World!
Mahatma Gandhi needs no long introduction. Everyone knows about the man who lead the Indian people to independence from British rule in 1947.
Journalist Resigns Live On Air to “Run” a Cannabis Store.
By Jonah Winter, Truth Inside Of You. A few days ago a journalist of KTVA channel in Alaska Charlo Green, gave up her job on air. Charlo left the path of the news script and admitted that she was the owner of…
Leonardo DiCaprio, UN Messenger of Peace Focus On Climate Change.
Leonardo DiCaprio was for the first time against the global elite leaders showing it is getting hot in his new role as the Messenger of Peace for climate change issues.
Man With Cerebral Palsy Creates Art Using Just A Typewriter
Paul Smith creates incredible works of art using a typewriter. He was born in Philadelphia on September 21, 1921. Although severe cerebral palsy, a disability that impeded his speech & mobility, kept him out of school, it didn’t prevent him from being an incredible artist.