Personal Inspiration

Inspiring stories, documentaries, videos, shows and enough educative content dedicated for your personal inspiration.

“Tearing My Heart To Pieces” – A Mother’s Story From A Orison In Iran.

By Narges Mohammadi, Evin Prison, Iran 4 August 2015. Narges Mohammadi has been in and out of prison for more than a decade for her support of human rights in Iran. Three months since her most recent imprisonment, she writes…

Would You Help A Lost Child?

What would you do if you saw a child on the street in need of help?

9-year-old’s Garden Harvest Tackles Homelessnesses

Although only 9 years old Hailey Fort Washington makes wooden shelters and cultivates vegetables for the homeless.She was just five years old when he saw a homeless person in Bremerton, Washington, where he lives and was willing to help him.

Morgan Freeman Takes Action To Save The Bees

Unfortunately, the disappearance of bees is a fact. Many people from around the world trying to do their best by informing their governments not to use insecticides that harm bees or even start their own beekeeping.

When Gifted $100, This Homeless Man Spent It On Feeding Other Homeless Individuals.

When given a large donation of $100, a homeless man named Thomas used the flow of funds to purchase food for other hungry homeless individuals. You can see the entire experience unfold in the video below:

8 Celebrities that Use Their Fame to Awaken The Masses

We live in strange times when celebrities are worshipped liked modern-age gods. Attention is heaped upon them and literally millions of people watch their every move so it’s no surprise when you hear of celebrities having nervous breakdowns, turning to…

Sikh Removes Turban To Help Injured Boy

The Man of the hour has become a young Sikh because he ignored the strict religious protocol and immediately took off his turban when he saw a child injured by a car that needed immediate first aid. The 22-year old…

Here Is the Father’s Amazing Response To School About Kids’ Absence.

This month, Mike Rossi, a Philadelphia father, took his two children out of school for a few days so they could see him participating in the Boston Marathon. The school called it an “inexcusable absence” evidently feeling that they get…