Personal Inspiration

Inspiring stories, documentaries, videos, shows and enough educative content dedicated for your personal inspiration.

Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea.

Two beautiful turtles would become lunch in Papua New Guinea, finally had another fate. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark bought them in a local food market and let them free where they belong-in the sea.

How People’s View Change Towards a Child Depending on His Clothes!

Revealing the attitude which citizens keep in the face of a small child just by its appearance is the “experiment” of UNICEF.

Arnold Schwarzenegger And James Cameron Just Released An Important Message For The World.

Last month the Chinese government released a new set of dietary guidelines which, if followed, could reduce the nation’s meat consumption by as much as 50%. Given that China boasts the world’s largest population at approximately 1.357 billion, a cutback of this size is…

Jim Carrey Motivates The World With Another POWERFUL Message.

Jim Carrey has long been known to be an awakening actor, one who can make us laugh through his comedy films and motivate us through his speeches. It’s not something you often find in celebrities.

Supportive Father Gets A Aattoo To Match His Brave Young Son’s Brain Cancer Surgery Scar.

In March 2015, young Gabriel Marshall from Kansas, USA, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and the surgery that he made left a major scar on the side of his head.

Keanu Reeves Shook The World With Another POWERFUL Message.

Keanu Reeves has long been known to be a stellar actor, one who can play serious and hilarious roles. Something else he’s becoming known for is his wisdom. It’s not something you often find in celebrities.

What It Means To Love A Girl Who Has Lived Through Trauma

A girl who has lived through trauma has lived through a situation where her body, her mind, her self was not her own. Where she felt disjointed, ripped from her self, safety, and sanity. It was a moment, an experience,…

Robert De Niro to Produce Documentary Exposing Corruption Within the Vaccine Industry

Cannes, France – Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro dropped a bombshell recently when he revealed that he is working on producing a documentary about the highly controversial topic of vaccines. However, he remained tight-lipped, noting that “when he talks about…