Personal Inspiration

Inspiring stories, documentaries, videos, shows and enough educative content dedicated for your personal inspiration.

Here’s Wiley The Dalmatian Dog That Wears His Heart On His Nose

There can hardly be any debate about the fact that dogs are truly man’s best friends. There is no love as pure, as selfless or as unending as the love your dog might feel for you. We often forget that…

Manager Gets 8 Hours Notice To Fire His Entire Staff, What He Does Next Was Unforeseen

Society compels us to work so that we can be accepted in it. We must work to gain financial stability, whatever be the nature of our work. Nothing is more agonizing for an individual than to go through unemployment. The…

10 Historical Photos Which Will Inspire And Make Us Sad

A person who forgets history is similar to someone whose existence has lost all meaning. History is like a memory book for some, while for the majority, it is like diving into the ocean of un-witnessed historicity of uni-linear time.…

91-Year-Old Terminally Ill Hospital Patient Knits Over 9000 Winter Hats For The Homeless

Ask yourself an honest question: if you came to know that you would die of something, what would you spend your time doing before the inevitable strikes? Most of us would be making bucket lists of sorts, with all kinds…

Proud Dad Moment: His Kind Sons Asked Him To Stop Car So They Could Help Man In Wheelchair Shovel His Sidewalk

There are several moments in a parent’s life that makes them really proud. One of them has to be the first time when their child walks a few steps. It makes your heart full and makes you feel like you…

Kind Workers At A Bus Station Come Up With A Brilliant Idea To Help Stray Dogs

This year the winter has been terrible and it has especially been worse for stray animals. At least we have a shelter to keep us safe from the chilly winter blasts. We have blankets and clothes to keep us warm.…

This Australian-Sudanese Model Looks Identical To A Real Life Barbie

In the modern world, there is no clear definition of what beautiful is. Because what one person finds ugly can be beautiful for someone else. What we should do is widen our horizons and look at everyone through the same…

This Man Turned Old Truck Into Mobile Shower For Homeless People

The so-called ‘homeless problem’ has been faced by the US and other developed nations for quite some years now. The divide between rich and poor has been so great in recent years that the countries cannot find any bridge element…