Science and Physics

Science and Physics – News and facts from the world in science and physics.

Why Greeks Discovered Geometry And Science?

About maths all we can say is that ancient people who had from 4-3 b.c. developed a civilazation, had at least elementary knowledge about algebra and geometry, as many as they needed for their lives and their works-productions. This knowledge,…

Star Ingredients In the Human Body! Are We Made by Stars?

Cosmic Recipe for Earthlings: Crucial elements in humans formed later in the universe’s history than expected.Stars cook up nearly all of the approximately 60 atomic elements in people’s bodies. But exactly how that works remains a mystery. Astrophysicists have developed…

8 Ways That Music Benefits Our Brain.

Since music is such a big part of our lives,  it would be interesting and useful to have a look at some of the ways we react to it without even realizing and how music benefits your brain.

The Love Frequency 528 Hz.

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “ LOVE frequency ” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart,…

Science Study Confirms That Friends Share DNA.

According to a recent study, friends share DNA more with one another than they do with strangers.You may have more in common with your buddies than you think.The similarity level was found to be the same amount present in 4th…

Scientists Discover How Cancer Cells Spread.

A study by British universities have discovered for the first time how cancer cells migrate from organ to organ. Findings could transform the way cancer is treated, helping experts block the movement of the disease. Most cancer deaths are caused…

Watch Sound Frequencies Create Beautiful Visual Patterns.

Sometimes when the music is really good and the sound is really loud and the pill is really potent, you can see what you hear. But that’s just brain tricks. This, however, is real and mesmerizing. Watch how different sound…

Quantum Mechanics on Reality.

Most traditional [spiritual] paths were developed in prescientific cultures. Consequently, many of their teachings are expressed in terms of cosmologies or world views which we no longer find relevant. . .