Upon returning home from school, six-year-old Luke was brimming with enthusiasm, eager to tell his mother about discovering his lookalike sister at school. “Mom,” Luke started, “I swear…” “What did we say about swearing?” his mom, Amy, asked him. “Mom,”…
Stuff in general that we think you should be aware of or for fun..
Man Proves that Skirts And Heels Are Not Just for Women; Breaking Stereotypes
Clothing isn’t inherently gender-specific, debunking a long-standing societal belief that certain apparel is off-limits to specific genders. This notion is particularly challenged in the male wardrobe; while women have long embraced a versatile array of clothing from suits to skirts,…
How to remove set-in grease stains from laundry
Removing grease stains can be notoriously challenging. Often, if the stained garment isn’t a recent purchase or a treasured item, we might simply dispose of it. However, when it’s something we’re particularly fond of, we go to great lengths to…
51-year-old Cameron Diaz and 45-year-old Benji Madden quietly welcome baby number 2 – people criticize decision
Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden, a beloved couple in Hollywood, have expanded their family once again, welcoming their second child into the world. This event marks over nine years of marriage for the duo, who first became parents to a…