Everyone has amazing coincidences in some phases of their lives. To say or think something at the same time as the other, to meet an old friend in a completely unexpected place, to get you something they can think about…
Engineer Vs Doctor: Who Is More Brilliant
The relationship between a doctor and an engineer has always been quite interesting. Most of the times, they are at loggerheads, trying to prove their intelligence. Having a love-hate sentiment for each other, they go many extra miles to prove…
Here Is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking!
While many people may not know everything smoking can potentially lead to, it is well known that nothing positive on a health level can come out the activity. Advertisers and Hollywood have successfully hammered the idea of smoking into our…
George Carlin’s Cynical Sayings That Will Make You Laugh And Think
Humor goes beyond slapstick jokes and lame one-liners. If you think about it, it is really powerful in making people sit up and take notice of their own complacency. It can be used to influence how we look at the…
A Former Navy Seal Reveals 4 Secrets To Boosting Mental Toughness.
Mark Divine, Navy Seal instructor and martial arts expert say that mental health is more important than any physical ability you may possess. But how do we increase our mental power and will? Mark has given 4 strategies to boosting…
Things You Shouldn’t Do While Traveling Abroad
Who doesn’t like traveling abroad? But in our excitement of exploring new places, we often forget to research a bit on their traditions and customs. The result- we might end up hurting the sentiments of our generous hosts.
These 9 Billionaires Were Completely Different At The Start Of Their Careers
All the famous billionaires were once ordinary individuals like you and me. Nowadays, it’s becoming easier. Anybody with a great idea can begin a start-up – and if it takes off, you can have your names written on billboards. It…
Reasons Why Aunts Are Really Special And Important
With the advent of modernity in the families, the equations existing between the children and parents have become a bit complex. So to solve the complexities we need someone as experienced as parents, and as fun as the children. And…