Truth Inside Of You
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5 Cannabis Research Findings That Should’ve Been On The Front Page

Science is beginning to prove how cannabis assists and benefits human health. Primarily published in journals and magazines, most of them are prohibited from reaching the audience through mainstream news and media.

The Anxiety Chart I Made to Help Others Understand My Anxiety

In a world where mental illness is still a bit of a taboo, it is quite a challenge for people who suffer from anxiety to get through everyday life without judgment.

8 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is SUPER High

People are usually ignorant about their blood sugar unless they have been diagnosed with diabetes. Sometimes, just because a person doesn’t have a history of diabetes in the family, they feel they do not have to worry about their diet…

The Girl Who Lived in a Plastic Bucket: Rahma Haruna’s Extraordinary Tale of Hope and Grit Against All Odds

Life is unfair to most people in different ways. Some might be complaining about their job, while someone else can’t have enough of bitching about their parents. You get the drift.

20 Kids’ Drawings Mom Won’t Be Hanging On The Fridge Anytime Soon

Children’s minds are like tabula rasa; highly imaginative and highly creative when it comes to articulating what they see in their daily lives. This is because they aren’t so easily distracted.

The Four Elements of True Love According to Buddha

Just the feeling of true love is not enough to make it last a lifetime. There is more to strengthening love other than just saying you are in love. Buddha says that there are about four elements that make love…

Science Says You Should Smudge Your Home. Here’s Why:

Smudging can be defined as the process of burning herbs and small plants for both medicinal and spiritual use. This has been a part of a lot of cultures since thousands of years ago

12-year-old Boy Hangs Himself, Leaves Suicide Note Saying He Has Suffered Through Years of Bullying

It was only today in the morning when I came across a video on my social media newsfeed. The video was a social experiment on bullying where a boy was being bullied by other kids of his age and people…