Section 377 of Indian Penal Code – which came into force over 150 years ago – says: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for life…
Lone-Wolves Are The Most Faithful And Intelligent Friends You’ll Ever Have
Everyone needs a loner friend. Even though it defeats the purpose of that loner being a loner in the first place it assures that the friend is for life. This is common for lone-wolves who wouldn’t necessarily meet with you…
9 Differences Between The Guy You Are Dating And The One You Will Marry
Soulmates are hard to come by and understanding that they indeed are your soulmates is tough and tricky as well. Moreover given societal conditioning, man has developed an innate need to be toxically non-committal and (if I must) Byronic; this…
16 Hilariously Honest Comics Reveal The Difference Between Having The First Vs Second Child
We all know that couples have their second baby, things change, starting from the approach to handling.
Secret Penguin Kingdom Found Thanks To Images From Space
Scientific Reports, a journal that is published by NASA recently published a story about finding a secret penguin kingdom in Antarctica. The journal states how the orbiting satellite found guano, penguin poop. The kingdom is near the northern end of…
E-Cigarettes Found To Have 10 times More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigarettes
Although people use e-cigarettes to stop consuming the nicotine from tobacco, a research shows that they have ten times more cancer causing ingredients than regular cigarettes. Quite surprisingly, the FDA hasn’t mentioned anything as such and hasn’t conducted any tests on…
This Test Will Determine Whether You Have Superior General Knowledge
Do you feel that you have superior general knowledge than the people around you? Well, that might very well be the case. There are tests all around the world that determine the intellect of a human.