A cinematic journey that took ten years to complete and includes Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Infinity War brings the ultimate fight ever to the theatres.
21 Extraordinary Pictures Of National Foods That Seem Uncanny To The Rest Of The World
Each country has its own national foods that are famous for. Many people who travel will find that some cuisines are disgusting but for the locals a delicacy.
30+ Funny & Candid Illustrations Are Depicting Our Modern World Irony
Artists have a unique and distinct way to express their thoughts and feelings through their candid illustrations. Regardless of their style, their vivid imagination allows them to play with our minds.
Artist Captures The Happiest Moments Of A Relationship In A Set Of Amusing Illustrations
Brazilian illustrator Crislane Passos created a funny comic book series about the happiest moments of a loving couple, Max and Julia.
10 Ways Women Act When They Don’t Love You Anymore
It is always sad when a relationship comes to an end. But in the majority of cases, there is nothing left for the partners to do or say that could save their bond. It is even harder when only one…
Artist Illustrates Everyday Life With Her Boyfriend And Its Too Funny And Adventures
Sarah Graley is a British artist who has charmed many fans. She sketches comic fun based on her everyday life, where she lives with her boyfriend named Stef and many cats.
How The Old Soul Loves Differently
An old soul is essentially someone who is young, but prefers to be around older people, and has a more mature outlook on life than most people their age. Old souls tend to spend a lot of their time alone,…