Sometimes, making a difference can be shockingly simple. A man living in the city of Hail, Saudi Arabia, came up with a brilliant idea to feed needy people in his neighborhood while sparing them the “shame” of begging,according to Gulf…
Air Purification, Best Plants to Grow Indoors.
It is easier than ever to introduce flora into one’s home. Plants grown indoors have a variety of benefits. Not only are they the ultimate in functional decorating, but some well-placed greenery can brighten a space,provide air purification, and also…
We Have 60000 Thoughts Per Day And 95% Are The Same From The Previous Day.
Average day, on an average person, through his head emerge for approximately 60 000 thoughts per day! But the stunning fact is that 95% of those thoughts are the same from the previous day which leaves us with only 5%…
New Type Of Computer Capable Of Calculating 640TBs Of Data In One Billionth Of A Second,Revolution In Computer Science
Let me introduce The Machine- HP’s latest invention that could revolutionize the computing world. According to HP, The Machine is not a server, workstation, PC, device or phone but an amalgamation of all these things. It’s designed to be able…
15 Plants and Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage.
A wave of viral and bacterial infections is sweeping across the Northern Hemisphere and people are taking longer to heal from an array of symptoms within the respiratory system. If you are resorting to conventional medicine to address these infections with…
Monsanto Tries to Patent & Control Natural, Non-GMO Tomatoes.
In an appalling attempt to patent yet another seed, Monsanto has resorted to fraud to try to gain rights to a tomato which contains a naturally occurring resistance to a fungal disease called botrytis. The tomato is not genetically modified, but Monsanto…
How Governments Can Spy Smartphones
‘Legal malware’ produced by the Italian firm Hacking Team can take total control of your mobile phone. That’s according to Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab and University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab(which also obtained a user manual).
Potential Habitable Super Earths.
A new study gives hope for the possibility that many potential habitable Super Earths planets orbiting distant stars have exposed continents rather than just water-covered surfaces.Super Earths that have both continents and oceans are more likely to be populated than those that are…