President John F Kennedy used medical pot to deal with severe back pain and control his affliction with Addison’s disease, according to a few written accounts, including “John F. Kennedy: A Biography”, which described this White House scene:
24 Reasons You Should Date A Yoga Girl
Ok, so this post should really be called “Why You Should Date a Girl Who is Addicted to Yoga,” but I thought as a title that was a bit extreme. But what can I say – I am a bit…
NASA Discovers Over 750 New Planets!
We all know that there are an incredibly massive amount of stars in the universe, and we also know that in that incredibly massive number, there must be at least a couple planets around each one, making the number of…
The Key To Happiness According 3 Ancient Greek Philosophers.
Every logical person would advise us to use some analytical directions to reach happiness or else we could get lost. But how could we satisfy this common need, this common search for happiness?
Our Spiritual Origins.
You may think you come from some smart apes or from no-where, however, wouldn’t it just be nice to know the real truth. The only reason you don’t know is that ‘they’ have lied to you and you have never…
20 Things to Stop Letting People Do to You.
By Marc and Angel It’s time to… 1. Stop letting people drag you into needless arguments. – Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you. And don’t define your intelligence…
Parallel Worlds Exist and Interact with Each Other, New Theory Says.
The idea of parallel worlds is one of the more favorite topics of science fiction writers, but also a popular subject of interest for many researchers. If you watched the Fringe series, you will remember that there were two simultaneously…
A Hovercar That Works Using The Magnetics Of The Earth!
Would it be possible to use the magnetics of the earth with modern mag-lev technology to create a fully functional magnetic hovercar?