When you are well into your eighties, you are the one who usually needs constant attention and care. We do not have the physical and mental resources to even think of helping another, leave alone doing something for them. But…
Male Students Are Taught That The Household Chores Are Gender Neutral
We preach that all humans are created equal but at the same time wallow in the stereotype that places men above equality. And as part of these stereotypes, we have unfairly assigned certain tasks to women. But genderization of certain…
Never Marry A Guy Who Has These Habits
Marriage as an institution has been there for ages. People have been bound by this institution to be with someone for the rest of their lives, whether they might initially like it or not.
22 Choices That Lead to a Beautiful Life
Life can get unpredictable at times and there will be a lot of challenges for you to face. But this doesn’t mean that life can’t be amazing. You just need to concentrate on the right things. You can live a…
Eye-Opening Rumi Quotes That Will Teach You To Trust Yourself
Of all realized masters I find that Rumi had a way of speaking from the heart that not many could parallel. His words radiate compassion, unconditional love for others and most importantly oneself. His teachings were many, but always voiced…
32 Male Secrets That Girls Don’t Know About
It is entirely possible the two sexes will perpetually be at odds with each other and never really achieve a true understanding of each other. But that is no reason to absolutely give up, is it now?