Deaf people rely on sign language in order to be able to communicate with others.But, what happens when they need to communicate with their pet?
A Video Showing Earth 100 Million Years From Now
Earth’s landmasses were not always what they are today.
Scientific Proof That We Can Heal Ourselves
In this TEDtalk, Lissa Rankin explores the spiritual and scientific implications that the placebo effect has over us. She discusses how our thoughts powerfully affect our physiology when we believe we can get well.
Someone Asked The Dalai Lama What Surprises Him Most, His Response Was Mind Altering
You could say that the Dalai Lama is a pretty interesting guy, after all his stance on extra terrestrial life is quite interesting. During an interview the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most, his response was quite…
Extremely Rare:Super Moon Solar Eclipse on Spring Equinox,March 20,2015
The total solar eclipse of March 20 will also coincide with the Spring Equinox. This rare event will only occur three more times this century – in 2034, 2053 and 2072 – and not at all in the next. Further,…
What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?
There is a war going on right now and it doesn’t involve guns or the military industrial complex. It’s a war on consciousness and most people are clueless that it even exists.