Forget constantly stopping to refill your water bottle on long bike rides. This designer has come up with a new way to quench your thirst on the go.
Stress And Anxiety: How They Drain Your Energy
We live in a world where stress and anxiety have become common due to our busy lifestyle and volatile economy. In the United States alone, anxiety disorders affect as many as 40 million adults. If not treated, in the long…
8 Forgotten Survival Skills Of Our Forefathers.
Our modern society is highly dependent upon the “system.” Not only do we rely upon utility services to bring us electricity, water and natural gas, but also on an incredibly complex supply chain which provides us with everything from food…
NASA Made An Adorable Video Explaining Climate Change.
Earth’s average temperature has risen over 1º F in the past century. It is projected to rise an additional 3º and 10º over the next 100 years.
Lightweight Bicycle Micro Camper: You Can Tow It With Your Bicycle!
The downsizing options continue to rise as simplicity becomes the name of the game for more people. While this micro camper is not a full home in itself, it certainly sets itself apart from typical campers given its size, weight, and…
NBC Predicts: All Americans Will Receive a Microchip Implant in 2017 per Obamacare!
Is NBC predicting RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouthpiece for the beast?
People All Around the World Take to Streets to Protest Against Climate Engineering.
Organizers have designated April 25th “The Global March Against Geoengineering”. Since many will be recognizing Earth Day on April 25th, this is a prime time to expose the climate engineering issue.
THIS is What Happens When You Put Onions In Your Socks While Sleeping!
The bottom of your feet are powerful and direct access points to internal organs in your body through what is known as meridians in Chinese medicine. These meridians are pathways to each organ with your body. Some people say that…