400 published scientific papers have proven the old adage that “music is medicine.” Neurochemical benefits of music can improve the body’s immune system, reduce anxiety levels and help regulate mood in ways that drugs have difficulty competing. “We’ve found compelling…
This Is Why We Should Start Giving Serious Attention to Mental Health Issues.
In our modern societies worldwide, physical health is a very important issue, to which serious attention is always given. A different approach, however, can be witnessed when one deals with mental health.
How to Change the World – Education Plus Compassion.
By Mike Sygula, In 2014 we have learned from the Living Planet Report published by the Worldwide Fund For Nature that over a period of 40 years from 1970 to 2010 the populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have declined by…
Amazing: This Girl Got The Alien Voice. She Can Sing Two Notes at Once
Natascha Nikeprelevic is an overtone singer. This means that she can manipulate the resonances created as air travels from the lungs, past the vocal folds, and out of the lips to produce a multiple-notes melody!
Asteroid passing close by Earth, has a one in 250 million chance of colliding with Earth
March 5, 2016 is when we will experience the fly-by of Asteroid 2013 TX68. Coming in at somewhere between 11,000 and 9,000,000 miles, the asteroid is 100 feet in diameter and twice the size of the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded…
Mark Ruffalo Against Monsanto Chief: “You Are Poisoning People”
Mark Ruffalo is known for calling out corporations who are responsible for destroying the environment. Recently, the actor had a chance to meet with the Monsanto chief face to face and speak his mind, Inhabitat writes.
Ultimate Recipe To Whiten Your Teeth 100% Naturally
Everyone would like to have a bright smile. Drinking coffee or tea, smoking cigs or even marijuanna are big factors that destroy the white colour of our teeth. So here we represent you an awesome, plus healthy way to whiten…