Truth Inside Of You
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3 Herbs & 6 Foods You Can Use To Properly Cleanse Your Kidneys.

Kidney cleanses have been used in traditional medicine to rid the kidneys of calcium deposits for hundreds of years. Such calcium accumulations can result in kidney stones, which are often excruciating to pass.

Religious Children are Meaner and More Punitive than Secular Kids, Study Finds.

In a study to find out if kids who grow up with a strong religious background are nicer, more compassionate and more kind than secular children, it was revealed that religious kids are simply more mean, less-tolerant, more-punitive, and less-forgiving…

Your Soulmate Isn’t Who You Think It Is

Mark Radcliffe thinks you should skip the supermodel and go for the one who loves you even on your worst days.

Legal Psychedelics Could End The Antidepressant Industry.

It is no surprise that the corporate, pharmaceutical industry is obsessed with profit.  Shoveling selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) into the mouths of people suffering from depression on a daily basis is one of the most lucrative things they can…

5 Things You Can Do Every Morning to Make Your Day Incredible.

Not long after you open your eyes in the morning, your mind starts churning: What will traffic be like today? Did my boss get the report I left on his desk?

The Intricacies Of The Quiet Narcissist, And How To Deal With Them. (Effectively)

Based on everything that is known about human nature, that has ever been recorded, chance are: you’ve encountered a narcissist in your life. According to recent research, narcissism is actually running rampant these days. To go ahead and complicate matters,…

Men Who Marry Smart Women Live Longer.

Think of your ideal wife: are brains at the top of your list when you name her best qualities? Perhaps they should be. New research suggests that having a brainy bride may extend your life and ward off dementia. During…

Why Are Most Men Scared Of Smart Women.

Well, a recent study validates what many of us experience. Men are often seriously threatened by intelligent women. Though the study only included 105 men, researchers determined an interesting dynamic. When the men were posed with hypothetical scenarios, they expressed…