Due in large part to the general busyness of our lives, our health is something that many of us -often unintentionally -take for granted. It isn’t until we get hit hard with an illness or serious disease that we bring…
6 Things Strong Women Never Tolerate in Relationships
Once you’ve entered into a relationship with a strong, independent woman, your next step might be wondering how to keep her. She needs enough space to be able to spread her wings and do things on her own, but giving…
How to Heal Your Inner Child That Can Block You for Love and Opening up in Relationship.
Your inner child is ALWAYS inside of you. You carry it around wherever you go because he or she lives in your heart. When the inner child is abandoned by its father or mother, discouraged, or not ‘acknowledged’ by parents…
To the Person Who Loves Me Next
So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You…
Incredible Wooden Book Is a Series of Puzzles That Have to Be Solved to Continue Reading.
Merging two of the ultimate pastimes—books and puzzles—the Codex Silenda has to be physically solved in order to read it. And no, these aren’t simple word games and math problems, but rather deviously complicated mechanical puzzles crafted from laser-cut wood…
21 Ways An Alpha Woman Stands Out From Everyone Else
1. Naturally confident, followed wherever she goes. Never loud or abrasive, she naturally attracts positivity.
Is It True That What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger?
It may seem that wise, strong people typically have gone through a few hard times in their lives. By comparison, those who have led a very sheltered and privileged life often appear to crack more easily under pressure. But is…
The Difference Between True Love And Attachment.
Sometimes, love and attachment gets twisted into one another. Sometimes, the lines get so blurred, that you become blind to what is happening around you. And you can’t tell what is real anymore.