Truth Inside Of You
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12 Signs You’re Doing Much Better Than You Think You Are.

It’s really easy to get caught up in your own head and believe you’re behind where you’re supposed to be for your age or that a single mistake is the end of the world.

Greatness from The Greatest of All Time: 30 Quotes from Muhammad Ali

It seems like 2016 has been the year of lost icons. There was Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and now the world has lost the greatest boxer of all times – Muhammad Ali. Ali was so much more than just…

15 Things To Remember When Loving Someone With Depression.

There are more than 350 Million people in the world who currently suffer from depression. With such a huge statistic its virtually impossible for anyone not to interact with someone suffering from a bout of depression at some point in…

Sleep Scientist Claims That Nature Wanted Us to Start Our Day at 10 A.M.

Finally, some solid evidence that having to be at work in the wee hours of the morning is one of the worst things in the world and not at all what nature intended for us. Paul Kelley, honorary clinical research…

This Is What’s Blocking You From Reaching Your Fitness Goals.

It seems like everyone we know who’s improved their fitness has inevitably reverted back to old habits. There are so few of us who make lifelong transformations (that’s why they are so inspiring). What is the secret of those who…

Wine Ice Cream Really Exists! (Recipe Included)

It’s official, it exists! Wine Ice-cream. A combination almost every woman dreams of. No need to take a tub of ice-cream and a glass of wine into the bathroom any more for ‘me’ time! This little mood lifter is now…

Incredible, Crows as Smart as Chimps!

Best known for her 55 year old research study, Jane Goodall taught us that chimpanzees are among the most intelligent animals, capable of learning language,  making tools, even expressing altruism. Since we share 96% of the same DNA, few of…

You Won’t Find True Love Until You Accept These 10 Things.

In many ways, true love is similar to marriage or having children. We have romantic fantasies—fueled by society—about these life choices. And yet, rarely do we think—what makes them really work? Often—more thought and expense—is spent on planning the wedding…