Truth Inside Of You
2359 Articles0 Comments

A Strong Woman Doesn’t Intimidate A Real Man

The idea that strong women are intimidating and unattractive to men is one that has permeated across societies and cultures. Coupled with the other toxic notion that a woman’s greatest ambition in life is to find and marry a man,…

Judge Gives Cancer Patient 90 Days Of Jail For Being Too Sick To Pay Bills

This judge cares more about money than people. While rapists that admitted to their crimes are getting no jail time and no convictions, likely because they or their parents are wealthy, those that aren’t as financially well-endowed are being thrown…

This Bonobo Starts Fires, Cooks His Own Food, AND Knows 3,000 English Words.

A bonobo monkey has learned how to start fires, cook his own food, put them out, and much, much more…

When Her Son Needed A Friend, This Dog’s Response Brought Mom To Tears

This video features a lovable 3-year-old boy with Down syndrome who as reported by Faithtap had trouble making friends and was rather lonely. His gentle labrador certainly stole my heart. The dog seems to sense that the boy has particular…

10 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You.

Toxic people such as malignant narcissists, psychopaths and those with antisocial traits engage in maladaptive behaviors in relationships that ultimately exploit, demean and hurt their intimate partners, family members, and friends.

You Are Eating Poison! Here’s How To Identify GMO Tomatoes In 2 Easy Steps.

Experts around the world agree that we should eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. However, the market is flooded with GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) fruits and vegetables, despite the fact that many different studies have shown that GMO products…

Getting Back With An Ex Will Only Prove How Much You’ve Both Changed.

It’s inevitable that as humans, we grow and evolve over time. When it comes to relationships, sometimes people change for the other person, or perhaps the other person changes for him or her.