Truth Inside Of You
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A Woman Ate Only Bananas For 12 Days And Look What It Did To Her.

Bananas are fibre rich fruits with a number of health benefits. They are the fourth most popular food after rice, wheat and corn. With its high nutrient content, low price and easy availability it is the most ideal fruit to…

How To No Longer Take Things Personally.

We live in a world where people aren’t always nice to one another. Where people use unkind and unloving words to talk to, and about, each other. And because I believe that there is always a better way to deal…

This Amazing Study Demonstrates How Humans Can Sense A “Force Field” Around Them.

If you look back into the theories and practices surrounding auras and the electromagnetic field of the body, it appears that something is really going on around us. What a lot of people would like to know is if we…

Do You Know the Difference Between Lust and Love? These 4 Endearing Comics Can Help.

There’s a huge difference between lust and love. Sometimes it’s easy to confuse the two. Most of us think we know when we’re in love, but I’m not sure we’re as self-aware when it comes to lust.

Science Confirms Men Are PETRIFIED Of Smart Women.

Thanks, patriarchy! What’s more terrifying for men than an alien wanting to prod and probe them? Anybody? You know the answer: A smart woman.

Man Tried To Get On His Wife’s Nerves. How He Did It? PRICELESS.

Being happily married, especially for many years, is an incredible blessing. What is the secret to it? Perhaps those minor fights that keep the fire in the relationship? Read this and see for yourself!

Scientists From Germany Show That Water Has Memory. This Video Blows My Mind.

Research from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany supports the theory that water has memory. It retains an imprint of of what it’s been exposed to. In this short video clip from Oasis HD Channel, it…

They have 213 years together – the husband is 108, the wife 105, and they celebrate 82 Years of Marriage!

This is the couple who has been together for nearly a generation. Duranord Veillard turned 109 in February, and Jeanne turned 105 in May.