Truth Inside Of You
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Largest 3D Printer In The World Creates Zero-Cost Homes Out Of Mud.

The first home built by WASP is 40-feet tall and cost just $53 to make.

The Top 10 Safest Countries To Be In If World War 3 Breaks Out.

World War 3 is certainly something none of the average people around the world want to happen. But looking at current events with the U.S., Russia and China, and Putin now doing major evacuation drills of 40 million of his…

MIT Scientists Say They Have Discovered An Invisible Force Field Protecting The Earth.

MIT scientists discovered an invisible force field protecting Earth. Scientists believe that the enigmatic force field operates on low-frequency electromagnetism, but its source is still a mystery.

When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren’t Called ‘Hitler’.

Take a look at this picture. Do you know who it is? Most people haven’t heard of him. But you should have. When you see his face or hear his name you should get as sick in your stomach as…

Autistic Boy Gains Ability to Speak After Just 2 Days of Cannabis Oil Treatment.

At 10 months of age, Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. He endured chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and surgery for two years—and survived. Then he was diagnosed with something permanent: severe autism that…

Pentagon Finally Admits WW III Is Around The Corner, Reveals It Will Be Fast And Deadly.

For the last two months, we have been consistently reporting on a possible global conflict, World War III (WWIII) between the United States and its allies in the West, and Russia and its allies in the East.

8 Cities That Have Replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.

As tensions boil on the international stage, eight U.S. cities in two months abolished a federal holiday that has long insulted and infuriated the indigenous population and many others — Columbus Day — but that’s not all. These eight cities…

Trees Can Form Bonds Like an Old Couple and Look After Each Other.

A forester and scientist have been studying communication between trees for decades; their incredible observations can be seen in the new documentary, ‘Intelligent Trees.’