As the US officially enters the Yemen military campaign, the UK appears ready and willing to precipiate a catalytic event from which there is no going back. With relations between Russia and the West at post-Cold War lows and deteriorating…
The Largest Native American Protest In HISTORY Is Happening Right Now And YOU Need To Know About It!
Right now the largest Native American PROTECT (not PROTEST) in history is happening in the Dakota’s. What’s going on? Well, the US Government is taking control of Native American lands and forcing them to allow oil developers to drill on…
Pepsi Admits That Its Aquafina Bottled Water Is Just Tap Water
In a shocking reveal, the Pepsi corporation admitted that its Aquafina bottled water is not purified water or spring water, but simply plain old tap water. The company will now be forced to change the labeling of the brand to…
New Data Shows Sexual Boundaries Are Changing – But What Do We Really Know?
The Office of National Statistics has released its latest data on sexual identities in the UK, and some striking patterns jump out – especially when it comes to bisexuality.
Heyoka — The Most Powerful Type Of Empath.
Empaths are individuals that can be hard to relate to, but have shared emotion responses with others.
Bermuda Triangle: Ship Reappears 90 Years After Going Missing.
Havana| The Cuban Coast Guard announced this morning, that they had intercepted an unmanned ship heading for the island, which is presumed to be theSS Cotopaxi, a tramp steamer which vanished in December 1925 and has since been connected to the legend of the Bermuda…
14 Ways To Raise The Vibration Of Your Home.
We cleanse our home energetically in order to welcome good, high vibration energy into your space, and clear away any negative vibes. This way, not only are our bodies vibin’ high and in total alignment with our dreams, but so is…
What Happens When We Die? Here’s What Buddhism Says!
The Buddha’s teachings offers the most satisfactory explanation of where man came from and where he is going. When we die, the mind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities and characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this life,…