Truth Inside Of You
2359 Articles0 Comments

A Monkey Adopts A Puppy, Defends It From Stray Dogs And Acts Like Its Natural Parent

In a world where the dominant species seems hell-bent on destroying all other species on earth, it seems that the minor species are left to look after each other. We know that every animal, down to the lowest forms, love…

Hugh Jackman Recieved A Medal Of The Order Of Australia For Humanitarian Efforts

Famed Australian actor Hugh Jackman better known for his portrayal of Wolverine has been felicitated with the Companion of the Order of Australia due to his exemplary services towards humanity.

The Danish Government Bought The Last 4 Circus Elephants So They Can Retire

In order to prevent more animal exploitation, Denmark’s government has bought the last 4 circus elephants. They will ensure that the elephants live the remainder of their lives in peace and relax properly.

Surprised Visitors Discovered Their Doppelgänger In A Museum

There are people who believe that all of us have – or, we once had – a doppelgänger, somewhere on the planet. Some, in fact, are looking for proofs and running in museums to take photographs in front of paintings…

Epic Design Fails That Contradicts Common Sense

All over the world, architects have often done wonders and have made people marvel at their magnificent buildings. Some of these state-of-the-art buildings have truly been expressions of immense creativity and technical skill. However, the field of architecture is not…

Mattel Introduces New Gender-Neutral Barbie Collection To Encourage Diversity

In the time when people are slowly becoming more comfortable with their gender choices and sexuality, it is necessary that the products we use become gender-neutral too. That is one demand that the LGBTQ+ groups have often put forward. However,…

Adorable Photos From The 2019 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Animals in their natural foray are as exciting as two toddlers fighting for the same toy. They forget their surroundings and engage in violence which does seem pretty adorable to us. Or maybe, they could be doing something entirely else…

Until It Threatens Their Ego

Some girls are more concerned about the bigger things in life. They can’t just giggle away at anything and everything and talk nonsense hour after hour. Life is much bigger than that. But who knew that it’s almost a curse?…