Truth Inside Of You
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Media Silence After DAPL Police Literally Blow Woman’s Arm up with Grenade

A horrifying military crackdown occurred Sunday night at the Dakota Access Pipeline, which is an area just outside Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The past month has seen a standoff between protesters and law enforcement and the military…

Generous Man Leaves Waiter $750 Tip to Fly to his Girlfriend and Baby Home for Holidays

After a seemingly normal conversation about music, Ben Miller, a 22 year-old waiter – has received the gift of a lifetime. Ben Millar had been having a conversation about U2 when the Customer told him that he had just been…

What Your Girlfriend With Anxiety Wants, But Won’t Ever Ask For.

She wants you to say that you’ll always be there for her, but she doesn’t want to come across as needy. She wants to have your arms around her when she feels insecure and in need of your love.

Bolivia Asserts Newfound Economic Independence, Rejects Rothschild Banks

Bolivia has officially stated that it will not react to peer pressure from the US government or Rothschild-controlled international banking institutions. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have shaped the global economic agenda since 1944. They have primarily…

10 Everyday Things Only Extroverted Introverts Will Understand.

While we all identify as an introvert or extrovert, the truth is that most of us are somewhere in between.

Animal Shelter Collaborated With An Elderly Care Center To Save Both Orphaned Kittens And Elders

An animal center has recently organized to have their kittens cared for at the elderly care center and the results have been incredible.

Cancer Stricken 4-Year-Old who Broke the Internet’s Heart After her Father Posted a Photo of her Pain and Suffering has Died.

In incredibly sad news, four year-old Jessica Whelan has died from her battle with her cancer. Jessica Whelan‘s struggle caught global attention after her father Andy Whelan posted a photo of her in pain while fighting cancer. The 4-year-old was…

Father Captures Powerful Photos Of Daughter, 4, After Liver Transplant

At the young age of 4, Indi Warner has shown a tremendous courage to win the battle of her life. Indi had a liver transplant at just 7 months old because of a life threatening condition called Atresia and is…