Truth Inside Of You
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First Paralyzed Human Treated with Stem Cells Regains Upper Body Movement

Kristopher Boesen – a 21-year-old former quadriplegic – can write, hug and interact with his friends and family. He can also use his motorized wheelchair without anyone’s help. And all this has become a possibility for Kristopher because if the…

Here Are 7 Things You Need To Know About Narcissists, From a Psychologist’s Perspective.

The world is full of narcissists. And you probably know a few in your life too. They are super challenging human beings to deal with. 6.2% of the population in America comprise of individuals suffering from NPD or narcissistic personality…

Scientists Discover how to ‘Upload Knowledge to your Brain’.

The Matrix could coming closer to reality! Scientists claim to have created a simulator that passes knowledge into the user’s brain making it easier to learn new skills. They say that it is the first step in developing technology that…

Mike Pence’s New Washington Neighbors Welcome him by Flying Gay Pride Flags

Vice President’s new Washington neighbours are welcoming him to their neighbourhood in startling fashion with gay-pride flags. Many in the neighbourhood (and nation) are largely bemused and shocked by Mike Pence‘s anti-gay views and they want to show him where…

Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know If Your Partner Has Anxiety,

Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, you’re not alone. According to recent statistics, approximately 18.1% of people age 18 and older have anxiety, which amounts to 40 million people in the US alone. For those who don’t have anxiety,…

Rafael Nadal Pauses Tennis Match To Help Mother Find Her Missing Child [Watch]

Tennis player Rafael Nadal has just restored faith in humanity by helping a Mother find her lost daughter in the crowd. Despite playing a high stakes match and being focused on his craft which has made him famous, Rafael proved…

Hearthbreaking Reality of what it’s like to Care for a Wife with Alzheimer’s

This real-life story, from the Humans of New York Facebook page, is about a couple who have been married for 50 years. The post is a heartbreaking one and talks about being married with a partner suffering from dementia, yet…

Here are 10 Reasons why your Best Relationship will be with a Girl who Likes to Fix People

1) She is not a quitter. She never gives on people who she wants to fix and she never stops trying to help those who are suffering. 2) Apart from fixing others, she also takes care of herself. She is well…