A kilometer long road made with solar panels is open in a village in Normandy, in France. It’s part of a $5.2 million and 5 years old project. Though expensive, the project might not be a successful one. However, it…
Strange Sounds Recorded In Mariana Trench Could Be New Whale Species.
A haunting sound was discovered between 2014 and 2015 – during an exploratory mission to the Mariana Trench. The recordings were further analyzed, and it was concluded that the strange noise was that of baleen whales. The findings do not…
“Smart Scalpel” Can Identify Tumors in Half a Second.
We are living in an era of ‘everything SMART’ – from a smartwatch to smartphones. Innovation, science, and technology are making breakthrough inventions that are making our lives comfortable and convenient. One such invention is a SMART SCALPEL – devised…
This Kind of Love You Should Settle In 2017
Settle for an extraordinary love and nothing else in 2017 and the years to come. Choose a person who fills your life with excitement and passion. Settle for the type of love that offers the height of happiness – so…
5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Every Day.
Coffee is a kickstarter for many. Without it, most of us cannot start our day. Coffee tastes excellent and provides a burst of energy, warmth and comfort. Apart from this, coffee offers numerous health benefits.
Berkeley Doctor Claims: People Die From Chemotherapy, NOT Cancer!
DISCLAIMER: The following information is sourced from the statistics by the National Cancer Institute. As per research, an estimated new cancer cases – 1685210 – in 2016 will be diagnosed in the US alone, out of which an estimated 595690…
THIS is Why Genius Minds Always Wear The Same Clothes!
A human being is capable of processing about 70 gigabytes of information daily. Shocking huh?! Intelligent people who can use a higher percentage of their brain are known to consume a lot of information, which ultimately causes Option Fatigue. They…
America Could End Homelessness By Doing This
Homelessness is a big issue in America. About 1.56 million in America are homeless. Amnesty International says that empty houses in the country have been overnumbered five times by homeless families in America.