Truth Inside Of You
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Religion And Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

“Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience!” ~ Deepak Chopra. People often get confused when someone proclaims that s/he is not religious but spiritual. Spirituality – for many – is an element of mystery…

5 Things Good Parents Do, While Raising Their Kids: Reveals Harvard Psychologists

Parenting today is a whole new deal. Raising a kid – inevitably takes a village – especially when there are constant chaos, distraction, and technological interruptions – courtesy of smartphones, iPhones, iPads, the internet, computer and gaming consoles.

Here’s How You Can Spot A Fake Nice Individual

Do you know of a person who – at first – seemed super sweet, courteous and friendly but turned out to be a fake? Is there an individual in your life, who happens to utter only positive words about you,…

Kitten Rescued and Raised by a HUSKY Thinks she’s a Dog

Six months ago, no one knew if the little cat Rosa will be able to survive. Thanks to Lilo, a Husky breed dog, Rosa had a quick recovery and now is happy with her new family of three dogs. The…

World’s First Human Head Transplant Will Take Place in 2017

Dr. Sergio Canavero last year made a vow that he will do the world’s first head transplant, using the body of a dead donor. But while many people doubted this was true, it appears that Dr. Canavero is definitely making…

Is It Possible That There’s Life in the Ocean of Pluto? Scientists Weigh in

Pluto – the discarded planet – has become significant again. The New Horizons spacecraft from NASA in July 2015 detected the presence of water on Pluto, which was brought to our attention from the flyby of Pluto. FOCUS ON OUR…

Baking Soda Out of Carbon Dioxide? A Coal-Fired Power Plant in India is Doing Just That!

India is the second most polluted country in the world – China being the first. And the situation is getting worse in Delhi, India – where the people are fighting smog like they’re on a battlefield. Statistics and conditions around…

Having an Emergency? Get Rid of Your Bra. It’s not Illogical but Scientific!

A Ukrainian scientist – Dr. Elena Bodnar – has innovated and created a unique face mask. It’s called an Emergency Bra. This particular face mask is designed to provide protection against biological hazards, chemical explosions and other types of violent…