On the Greek island of Ikaria, people are far more likely to live to 100, and diseases like lung cancer mysteriously disappear.
Some Brutally Honest Things Women Turning 40 Want All Women In Their 30s To Know
Turning 40 in less than a month. Forty is a very important age for most people, as, growing up, we tend to think of forty as the age until which we will have settled.
Man Notices A Strange Hole In This Lake, So He Gets a Drone, Flies It Inside, and Captures This.
California’s Napa County is well known for its wine industry and beautiful scenery. Between its lush green rolling hills and wildflower covered valleys, it easily ranks among one of the most naturally picturesque places in America. There is so much…
How To Detect Negative Energies At Home Using Only A Glass Of Water?
Want to keep the harmony in your family and ward away negative energy, try this solution.
5 ULTIMATE Reasons to Practice Meditation Daily
In this fast-paced world, where human beings are eager to find instant gratification of their pursuits, one often becomes the victim of stress, anxiety, anger and all kinds of other emotions related to negativity. Given this condition, one could always…
This Is Why Narcissists Are Some of the Most Attractive People to Empaths
What I’m about to relate may seem confusing to some of you, but empaths adore narcissists. It would seem, after one destructive relationship with a narcissist, that the empath would learn better, but no. There is something that draws them…
The Spiritual Effects of Marijuana: How Cannabis Impacts On Human Creativity.
Since the beginning of time people choose the cannabis plant for their spiritual adventures. Humans have soon realized that the proper use of the sacred herb could provide mental benefits.