“Virgin. Beautiful. 12. The price has reached US $ 12,500 and will be sold soon, “says the advertisment. The above post from the Islamic State which through WhatsApp and Telegram advertise and sell underage girls even at the age of…
U.S Army will accept transgender people in their forces.
In a historic moment for the equality of LGBT movement community, the U.S. Department of Defense announced on Thursday evening that will cease any prohibition against transgender people in the armed forces of the country.
Latuff Moved The Whole World For The Massacre In Nice.
The famous cartoonist Latuff published an artwork inspired by the massacre in Nice, France. The sketch is gone viral all around the world.
Experience For A Day How It Is To Be Old.
In the body of an elderly can put a young person for a day, wearing the special outfit that makes you experience old age.