James Red
116 Articles0 Comments

I am a co-creator and author of Truth Inside Of You. I study computer science and I love spending my time listening to music and exploring the Web seeking information. I also like reading books and daydreaming for a better world.

Banksy Released This 2-Minute Film About Gaza.

Banksy is one of the most famous street artists in the world and he released a 2 minute video advertising sarcasticly vacations in Gaza.

What Is The ‘Biggest Flaw Of Humanity” According To Stephen Hawking?

The famous British professor Stephen Hawking, in his speech at the Natural History Museum, London, gave his perspective on the future of humanity and the biggest failure to date.

Eyes On The Road: The Social Advertisement That Shocked The Audience!

The use of mobile phones while driving has become a habit that kills. Day after day people are killed on the road because they can not leave their phones aside for a few minutes and rush to answer their messages.

These 20 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World

Pawel Kuczynski was worn in 1976 in Szczecin, Poland. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Poznan, specializing in graphic design, and the last decade tackles the satirical illustration. And it does so with great success.

Psychedelics As Tools For Spiritual Journey.

In this trippy video Jason Silva explains how we can use psychedelics as a tool to send our minds in a spiritual journey and become  soul surfer psychonauts exploring all kind of spaces, like our inner space.

Some People Tried to Help Τhe Animals Ιn Flaming Australia.

The fire in Adelaide, Australia, continues its destructive work and dozens of people flee in danger from the flames. Among them there are those who are brave and tried to help the animals that faced destruction.

18 Amazing Technological Achievements

1.There is an application that translates in real time.

Hugh Jackman Share His Experience with Meditation.

Oh my God, a theatrical debut of Peter Rodger asking a laundry list of believers, atheists, agnostics and everybody in between one very simple question: What is God?