Here’s a tip worth remembering: never underestimate the elderly. Their extensive life experience equips them with unique wisdom on how to navigate the world.
This narrative unfolds with Paul, a nonagenarian, who encounters a disrespectful act from a trio of bikers, illustrating the unexpected outcomes of underestimating someone based on their age.

While savoring apple pie and coffee at a local diner, Paul’s quiet moment was disrupted by three bikers. They provocatively tampered with his meal—one by stubbing a cigarette in his pie, another by spitting in his coffee, and the third by smashing his plate to the ground, mistakenly believing their intimidation tactics showcased their strength. Little did they know, they had chosen the wrong individual to provoke.

Paul, maintaining his composure, settled his bill and exited quietly. When the waitress approached the bikers for their order, they boastfully shared their actions against Paul. With a knowing smile, the waitress informed them, “He may not excel as a diner guest, but certainly as a truck driver—he’s just run over your motorcycles.”