Corporations use our associative memory to hide their truth. Associative memory works by connecting two events together; for example, connecting a song to one of our memories. Corporations use their advertising schemes to mislead us.
Given below is the truth of some big corporations that we all need to know.
Despite the healthy clown that they use as their mascot, McDonald’s food is unhealthy. A man who ate only McDonald’s food for 30 days became depressed, had mood swings, experienced sexual impotency, got addicted to the food and gained 24 ½ pounds.
2.Kellogg’s Cereal

Kellogg’s cereal contains fructose corn syrup that causes many diseases. One of its ingredients can cause cancer. Also, in an investigation that took place in 2016, they found that they use oil in their cereal from a company where they enforce child labor.

This image of Colonel Sanders depicts the reality of KFC for the last few years. They treat animals unethically in the factories. Torture is the only word that describes what these poor animals must go through.
4.Clean (Proctor & Gamble)
Like KFC, they torture innocent animals by conducting illegal experiments on them. And the oil they use comes from the same factory as Kellogg’s. They even manipulated the market.
5.Quaker State Oats (Pepsico)
They conducted illegal experiments on mentally challenged children. They also find trans fat in their products, which can cause heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes.
6.Monsanto & Beyer
Known as “the world’s most evil corporation”, Monsanto, a chemical company, is known for its production Agent Orange. It was used in the nuclear attack on Vietnam by the USA.
Nestle drew water from a river for so long that the region had to undergo 5 years of massive drought. It also used child labor in Africa for Cocoa production.
Although Apple is at the peak of tech advancement, it has no regards for Human rights. Their workers get low wages for long working hours.